Pilates Studio in Turku Center
BASI Pilates Academy - Turku Studio is located in the Hansa Shopping center, 4th floor. We offer weekly Pilates Classes, Private Classes, Pilates Teacher Training and Workshops.
BASI Pilates
BASI Pilates (Body Arts and Science International) is dedicated to remaining true to art, science, and most importantly, true to Joseph and Clara Pilates. Established in 1989 by the world-renowned Pilates Educator Rael Isacowitz, BASI has been a leader in top-tier Pilates education for 30 years and counting. With a reputation for innovation and academic excellence, BASI strives to provide the most comprehensive Pilates education experience and educational resources available. Read more about our BASI Pilates Teacher training here.
Weekly open Mat Pilates classes
MattoPilates Perustaso (fundamental)
This class is a beginner Mat Pilates Class which focuses on less advanced moves that are still guaranteed to challenge you. Every body is a pilates body, so if you are newer to your practise or just want to go back to the basics, this is a perfect class for you. In this class we use props such as the theraband and soft ball to make exercises more accessible. Sometimes, however, we also use props like the magic circle and the foam roller to provide additional challenge. The mat and the props are provided by BASI Pilates Academy. This class is taught in English upon request. Book here.
MattoPilates Keskitaso (intermediate)
This class is an intermediate Mat Pilates Class with fluid transitions. The intermediate exercises really challenge your core strength and endurance. If you are new to pilates, we recommend that you first join MattoPilates Perustaso Classes to understand the basic principles of Pilates and to learn the fundamental exercises. Pilates mat is provided by BASI Pilates Academy. This class is taught in English upon request. Book here.
MattoPilates Jatkotaso (advanced)
This class is an advanced Mat Pilates Class with fluid transitions. The advanced exercises really challenge your core strength and endurance. If you are new to pilates, we recommend that you first join MattoPilates Perustaso Classes to understand the basic principles of Pilates and to learn the fundamental exercises. Pilates mat is provided by BASI Pilates Academy. This class is taught in English upon request. Book here.
Equipment Pilates in BASI Pilates Academy - Turku
Start working out with Pilates equpment either by booking a Comprehensive Course (Kokonaisvaltaisen Pilateksen kurssi) or by buying three private classes. After completing the course or taking three privates you may start practicing in our weekly classes.
Our Premium Membership is an all-inclusive Membership. As a Premium member you can join all Pilates Apparatus classes as well the Mat Pilates classes. You may also by a 5 credit pack for the open equipment classes (Avoin Reformer).
Send us an e-mail to book a private session turku@basipilatesacademy.com.
Drop in Mat Class 18 €
10 Credit pack for Mat Classes 139 € (valid for 4 months)
5 Credit pack for the Open Equipment classes 145€ (valid for 4 months)
Premium all inclusive Membership 109 € / month (1 year commitment). Ask more about the Premium membership julius@basipilatesacademy.com
Private class 85€ / 60 min
Important information
The best way to book and cancel classes is to download our mobile app. You can do it here for Apple devices and here for Android devices. The classes open for booking 8 days before the class starts. If you cannot make it to the class, you must cancel 4 hours before the class starts. There are no refunds for a late cancellation.
If the class is full, you can put yourself on the waiting list. If a spot becomes available, you will receive a push notification on your mobile app and an e-mail latest four hours before the class starts. Please, remember to also cancel the waiting list spot, if you are no longer interested in joining the class.
Also remember that you should tell the teacher before the class starts if you have any medical issues or if you are pregnant or in your post natal phase.
You are very welcome to join our BASI Pilates Turku Family. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us turku@basipilatesacademy.com